#Grumman #F-14D "#Tomcat" ("#Kandúr") #cat - #macska - #weapons #missile #naval-NAVY #USN-#CVN #Nuclear-Powered #Aircraft-Carrier #Top-Gun #movie - #film with #Tom-Cruise #celeb #actor. Krenács' #TAMIYA
An abbreviated version for facebook visitors - Rövidített változat a facebook látogatók részére.

above: NoHigher! Before launch - Kilövés előtt
above: HiRes! Persian Gulf (Nov. 5, 2005) – An F-14D Tomcat, assigned to the “Tomcatters” of Fighter Squadron Three One (VF-31), conducts a mission over the Persian Gulf-region. VF-31 is assigned to Carrier Air Wing Eight (CVW-8), currently embarked aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). U.S. Air Force photo by: Tech. Sgt. Rob Tabor (RELEASED) source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Over Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War - 1991.

above: NoHigher! Maching
above: MedRes! An F-14A of VF-84 Jolly Rogers, in a 1970s color scheme - A VF–84 "Jolly Rogers" repülőszázad F–14A-ja source: Wikimedia
A Grumman F-14A Tomcat (BuNo 160391) of fighter squadron VF-84 Jolly Rogers, Carrier Air Wing Eight (CVW-8). VF-84 flew the F-14A from 1976 until the squadron was disestablished on 01 Oct 1995. From December 1977 to July 1987 VF-84 was assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68). The paint scheme displayed by the F-14A was typical of the 1970s. VF-84 also became famous when its Tomcats appeared in the movie The Final Countdown (released 1980). It had been filmed on the Nimitz with CVW-8 during the first half of 1979 in the Caribbean.
above: HiRes! Marks of Delivery Missions source: www.HTKA.hu
above: MedRes! Thorough the Sound barrier 1 Mach - Hanghatár átlépése source: facebook
above: NoHigher! VF-103 "Jolly Rogers" USN source: facebook/Defence
above: NoHigher! Tomcat logo source: wikipedia

above: NoHigher! Maching
above: MedRes! Penetration of 1 Mach - Hangsebesség átlépése source: Defence/facebook
En. text: The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is an American supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, twin-tail, variable-sweep wing fighter aircraft. It was the first such U.S. jet fighter with twin tails. The Tomcat was developed for the United States Navy's Naval Fighter Experimental (VFX) program after the collapse of the F-111B project. The F-14 was the first of the American Teen Series fighters, which were designed incorporating air combat experience against MiG fighters during the Vietnam War.
The F-14 first flew on 21 December 1970 and made its first deployment in 1974 with the U.S. Navy aboard USS Enterprise (CVN-65), replacing the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. The F-14 served as the U.S. Navy's primary maritime air superiority fighter, fleet defense interceptor, and tactical aerial reconnaissance platform into the 2000s. The Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) pod system were added in the 1990s and the Tomcat began performing precision ground-attack missions.
In the 1980s, F-14s were used as land-based interceptors by the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force during the Iran–Iraq War, where they saw combat against Iraqi warplanes. Iranian F-14s reportedly shot down at least 160 Iraqi aircraft during the war, while only 12 to 16 Tomcats were lost; at least half of these losses were due to accidents.
En. text: The Tomcat was retired by U.S. Navy on 22 September 2006, having been supplanted by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. The F-14 remains in service with Iran's air force, having been exported to Iran in 1976. In November 2015, reports emerged of Iranian F-14s flying escort for Russian Tupolev Tu-95, Tu-160, and Tu-22M bombers on air strikes in Syria. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_F-14_Tomcat
Hu. text: Az F–14 Tomcat negyedik generációs, kéthajtóműves, szuperszonikus, változtatható szárnynyilazású vadászrepülőgép, melyet a Grumman fejlesztett ki az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban, az Amerikai Haditengerészet repülőgép-hordozóinak légvédelmére, az F–4 Phantom II és az F–8 Crusader repülőgépek leváltására. Katapulttal indítható, fékhoroggal felszerelték, levegőben utántölthető. A tömeges bombázó- és robotrepülőgép-támadások ellen kifejlesztett gép a világon először rendelkezett szimultán célleküzdési képességekkel, az általa alkalmazott AIM–54 Phoenix rakéta volt a világ első aktív lokátoros önirányítású rakétája, melynek segítségével egyszerre hat légi célt tudott támadni.
Csak Iránba exportálták, ezek a repülőgépek ma is szolgálatban állnak. Az 1980-as években felderítő feladatok ellátására is képessé tették, az 1990-es évektől irányított bombák segítségével földi célokat is támadhatott. Az Amerikai Haditengerészetnél 2006 szeptemberéig állt szolgálatban, utódja az F/A–18E Super Hornet. Az F–14 több filmben (Top Gun, Végső visszaszámlálás) kapott főszerepet, nem utolsósorban emiatt nagyon népszerű, szinte kultikus repülőgépnek számít. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%E2%80%9314_Tomcat
above: MedRes! Museum CV-16 'Lexington' at Texas Corpus-Christi at USA Houston below: NoHigher! Take Off
above: HiRes! US Navy 030114-N-4965F-510 an F-14 'Tomcat' makes ready for a catapult launch source: Wikimedia.Common
above: MedRes! Total wind on Aircraft Carrier: Meteo-wind, Ship's moving-wind and Rotorwind.:-US Navy CVN Lt.j.g. Ike R. Stutts recovers a Sikorsky SH-60B "Seahawk" in control cabin full directional disc gauges.
above Two MedRes! Left & Right: an F-14D 'Tomcat' in launch position photo by: Gert Kromhout source: Fineart America
above: MedRes! F-14 deflector 2002. 03. 19. VF11 source: Maritime Quest
above: HiRes! U.S. Navy 040521-N-7090S-002: On the flight deck aboard USS 'Enterprise' CVN-65 (Carrier Vessel Nuclear powered) a catapult officer gives the signal to launch an F-14 source: Wikimedia Commons
above: HiRes! F-14 a fighter squadron VF-32 F-14A 'Tomcat' aircraft prepares for launch from the aircraft USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV 67) during NATO Exercise DISPLAY DETERMINATION '86. Another F-14 is waiting to move into position on the catapult source: US National Archives - GetArchive - https://nara.getarchive.net/media/
Grumman F-14 Tomcat in HD
above: NoHigher! Arrested hook operating during land source: facebook/Defence
above: HiRes! Iranian ace Jalil Zandi is credited with shooting down 11 Iraqi aircraft during the Iran–Iraq War, making him the most successful F-14 pilot. source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Irani F-14 Tomcats carrying AIM-54 Phoenixs source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! F-14 iran operation 1980 - 1988 Gulf War source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Graphicabove: NoHigher! A Grumman F-14A-105-GR Tomcat (BuNo 160902) on static display pedestal at Grumman Memorial Park, Town of Riverhead, Calverton, New York, in 2007. by: Dhaluza source: en.Wikipedia.org
En. text: The Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, later Grumman Aerospace Corporation, was a leading 20th century U.S. producer of military and civilian aircraft. Founded on December 6, 1929, by Leroy Grumman and partners, it merged in 1994 with Northrop Corporation to form Northrop Grumman. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman
Hu. text: A Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, későbbi nevén Grumman Aerospace Corporation egy amerikai repülőgépgyártó és űripari vállalat, amelyet alapítója, Leroy Grumman 1929. december 6.án hozott létre. A cég az USA meghatározó repülőgépgyártója lett, elsősorban haditengerészeti repülőgépek, de civil gépek nagy számú előállításával.
A vállalat fénykora a II. világháború idején jelentkező óriási konjunktúra volt, számos legendás harci gépet köszönhetett az amerikai hadsereg a Grummannak, így például az F4F Wildcat, vagy F6F Hellcat típusokat. A hidegháború idején a sugárhajtású haditengerészeti gépekre koncentrálta erőforrásait a cég, megalkotva a kor legendás vadászgépét, az F–14 Tomcat-et, az A–6 Intruder vadászbombázót, vagy a repülőgépanyahajók AWACS felderítőjének számító E–2 Hawkeye felderítőgépet.
A hidegháború végeztével drasztikusan lecsökkent harci gépek iránti igény a cég hanyatlását okozta, így 1994-ben a Northrop felvásárolta és megalakult a cég jogutódja, a Northrop Grumman. ...
above: NoHigher! NYC Long Island former Grumman Aircraft plant

above: MedRes! maps: Left: Grumman locnoplume source: DEC.NY.gov Right: Grumman-p107 by: The National Academies Press
above: NoHigher! Grumman 'Beth-page' place detail map by: TopoQuest
above: NoHigher! Aerial, Grumman-plant in Long Island by: Business News
above: MedRes! Long-Island 'Bethpage' plume site source: crop_nydecd_191028_vshu
above: NoHigher! Long-Island 'Grumman' abandoned & Little-Known Airfields
above: HiRes! (Cropped from West & Down!): N.Y.C. - New York City with Long Island and airfield, Aircraft plants. ('Grumman' marked with Pink!)
above: HiRes! orbital-atk-oa-5 visibility first sighting by: Orbital ATK source: NASA-Blog

above: Left: MedRes! F-14 product source: tumblr_Bloody-Magnum Right: MedRes! Grumman F-14A production line Calverton 1986., in backround the A-6E 'Intruder' mfr 863853 7 (GHC via RJF) source: Wikimedia-Commons
above: HiRes! A U.S. Navy F-14D Tomcat flies up with its refueling probe out preparing to connect with a tanker. The F-14 is armed with two AIM 9 Sidewinder missiles, a Paveway II Laser Guided GBU-10 2,000-pound bomb, and LANTIRN Pod, as it prepares for a bombing mission over Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Tamiya 1:48 Grumman F-14A by: Brett Green source: HyperScale.com
above: NoHigher! F-14B cockpit & dashboard of Pilot
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F-14's HUD (Head Up Display (FFK - Fejed Fent Kijelző) |

NoHigher! above: WSO's - Weapon System Officcer's) or RIO - Radar Interceptor Officer 's dashboard at rear seat below: Pilot/Captain's upper left sector of His dashboard

above Two: HiRes! Cockpit seats; Left: Pilot Right: WSO
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's scanned repro own photopaper collection late 1970's. New pic! Fwd cabin dashboard.
above: HiRes! (Lightened!) The inlet ramps/throttle control panel contains most other engine releated controls. source: heatblur.se/F-14Manual
General Design and Systems Overview:
Engines and Throttle Controls:
The two F110-GE-400 afterburning turbo-fans powering the F-14B are controlled by the AFTC (Augmenter Fan Temperature Control unit). The AFTC is akin to an early version of a FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) used on newer turbine engines.
The AFTC controls both the engine itself as well as the variable exhaust nozzles controlling the engine exhaust gases. Additionally, the AICS (Air Inlet Control System) helps by controlling the engine airflow for an even subsonic airflow to the engine inlets. This is done through the variable geometry intakes, more precisely the variable ramps in the intakes.
The throttles in the F-14 have detents preventing unintentional engine start and shutdown and unintentional selection of afterburner. In addition the throttles also controls several different systems depending on throttle position as shown in the diagram above. The most critical of these being the fuel cutoff and ignition systems in the respective engines. ... https://www.heatblur.se/F-14Manual/general.html
above: HiRes! The ENGINE INSTRUMENT GROUP displays engine RPM%, TIT - EGT (exhaust gas temperature) and FF (Fuel Flow) to the pilot to allow for engine monitoring. source: heatblur.se/F-14Manual
above: NoHigher! F-14A forward cabin
above: MedRes! F-14D forward digital cockpit.
above: NoHigher! F-14 Ejection Seat source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! Tamiya's scale 1:48 Grumman F-14A cockpit source: Tamiya & RC-Deler.no
above: NoHigher! F-14 "Tomcat" First job as a newly minted engineer was manufacturing radar systems for this plane
above: HiRes! Rendered 3D graphics
above: NoHigher! Two U.S. Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat from Fighter Squadron 84 (VF-84) "Jolly Rogers" during the filming of the movie "The final Countdown" in 1979. The movie included a dogfight between VF-84 Tomcats and Imperial Japanese Navy Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero fighters (as shown). However, the Zeros were acutually modified North American T-6 Texan trainers. source: wikipedia
A Grumman F-14A Tomcat (BuNo 160391) of fighter squadron VF-84 Jolly Rogers, Carrier Air Wing Eight (CVW-8). VF-84 flew the F-14A from 1976 until the squadron was disestablished on 01 Oct 1995. From December 1977 to July 1987 VF-84 was assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68). The paint scheme displayed by the F-14A was typical of the 1970s. VF-84 also became famous when its Tomcats appeared in the movie The Final Countdown (released 1980). It had been filmed on the Nimitz with CVW-8 during the first half of 1979 in the Caribbean.
En. text: The Final Countdown is a 1980 alternate history science fiction film about a modern aircraft carrier that travels through time to the day before the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Produced by Peter Vincent Douglas with director, producer, actor and Troma Entertainment founder Lloyd Kaufman and directed by Don Taylor the film contains an ensemble cast with Kirk Douglas as leader, Martin Sheen as supporting and James Farentino, Katharine Ross and Charles Durning in roles of secondary importance. This was the final film by the director Don Taylor. Kaufman himself served also as an associate producer and also actor.
Produced with the full cooperation of the United States Navy, set and filmed on board the actual USS Nimitz supercarrier, The Final Countdown was a moderate success at the box office. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_Countdown_(film)
Hu. text: A Végső visszaszámlálás (eredeti cím: The Final Countdown) 1980-ban bemutatott akció sci-fi film.
Egy modern repülőgép-hordozó, amely akaratán kívül időutazásban vesz részt és az 1941-es Pearl Harbor-i csata előtti napba kerül vissza. Legénységének el kell döntenie, beleszól-e a második világháborút alapvetően befolyásoló japán rajtaütésbe. A producer Peter Vincent Douglas, rendezője Don Taylor, a filmben több filmsztár is feltűnik: Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, James Farentino, Katharine Ross és Charles Durning.
A produkció az Amerikai Haditengerészet teljes beleegyezésével és támogatásával készült, többségében az alig öt éve szolgálatban álló USS Nimitz repülőgép-hordozó fedélzetén, amely az akkori idők legmodernebb és legütőképesebb hadihajójának számított. A Végső visszaszámlálás bemutatása idején mérsékelt sikereket ért el a mozikban, azonban az azt követő években, évtizedben kultikus státusszá emelkedett a sci-fi és katonai repülésért rajongók körében. A film alapötletét az 1965-ben bemutatott Felettünk az ég című francia sci-fi adta. ...
Commander Owens explains to the japanese Zero pilot what is about to happen on December 7th, 1941 - "The Final Countdown" (1980).
The Japanese pilot would have had no idea what Climb Mount Niitaka - Niitaka-yama Nobore meant as the crew would not have had access to secret communications let alone specific war codes. James Farentino should have told who the commanders were (Yamamoto and Nagumo), who planned it (Minoru Genda), and who would lead it (Mitsuo Fuchida). The pilot would have known that and realized 'the jig was up.' ret. Airfield Fire Fighter cmdr. LHSA Mr. Antal Kálmán's advice from Indonesia, Lombok-island 2018.
"A Végső visszaszámlálás - The Final Countdown" film 1980.
„(...) Ma 1941. december 7-e van. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy mindannyian tisztában vagyunk a mai nap jelentőségével és a történelemben elfoglalt helyével. Olyan csatára készülünk, ami már azelőtt elveszett, mielőtt közülünk sokan megszülettek. Ezúttal, Isten segítségével, más lesz az eredmény. Sok szerencsét!” - "(...) Today is December 7, 1941. I am sure we are all aware of the significance of today and its place in history. We're preparing for a battle that was lost before many of us were born. This time, with God's help, the result will be different. Good luck!"
99.) Mitsubishi A6M "Zero", (Japan WW.II.) Pacific-Ocean - Nakajima Ki-43 Hien, Kawasaki Ki-100 and (Japan) Cross Section Drawing - Компоновочная схема: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/06/99-mitsubishi-a6m-zero-japan-wwii.html
above & below Two: NoHigher! F-14 on the Truman's board photo: Szórád Tamás
Air Base Blog: Hu. text: author - Írta: Szórád Tamás
A szicíliai Catania közelében lévő Sigonella tengerészeti légibázist az amerikai haditengerészet 1959 óta használja, de megfordulnak itt a légierő gépei is, tankolásra vagy pihenőre, úton a Közel-Kelet vagy Afrika felé. 2005 márciusában innen indultunk bő egynapos látogatásra a nyolcadik Nimitz-osztályú repülőgép-hordozó, a USS Harry S. Truman fedélzetére. ...
A szicíliai Catania közelében lévő Sigonella tengerészeti légibázist az amerikai haditengerészet 1959 óta használja, de megfordulnak itt a légierő gépei is, tankolásra vagy pihenőre, úton a Közel-Kelet vagy Afrika felé. 2005 márciusában innen indultunk bő egynapos látogatásra a nyolcadik Nimitz-osztályú repülőgép-hordozó, a USS Harry S. Truman fedélzetére. ...
above: HiRes! The last F-14 launch from a carrier, USS Theodore Roosevelt on 28 July 2006: 060728-N-7241L-004 Atlantic Ocean (July 28, 2006) – Aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), an F-14D Tomcat assigned to the "Tomcatters" of Fighter Squadron Three One (VF-31), aircraft number 112, completes the final catapult launch of an F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft. The last launch marks the end of an era for Naval Aviation. The F-14 will officially retire in September 2006, after 32 years of service to the fleet. Theodore Roosevelt is completing Joint Task Force Exercises with USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). U.S. Navy Photo by: Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nathan Laird (RELEASED) source: Wikipedia
NoHigher! above: Wrecked tail section of F-14 on a elevator lift below: In hangar
above: HiRes! (Crop!) 'Smithsonian' NASM - National Air & Space Museum in Washington D.C.
above: NoHigher! In NASM museum & Naval onboard Fighter, Vought F-8 'Crusader'

above: HiRes! (Crop!) 'Smithsonian' NASM - National Air & Space Museum in Washington D.C.
above: NoHigher! In NASM museum & Naval onboard Fighter, Vought F-8 'Crusader'
above: Left: MedRes! F-14D for profession modeller - Right: HiRes!

above: Left: Small! Phoenix flying restore - Right: MedRes! below: NoHigher! Artisty: Over the clouds source: facebook/Defence
above: NoHigher! The 3D artwork "Fear The Bones" F-14 VF-103 'Jolly Rogers' squadron
above: MedRes! Artisty 3D painting: US NAVY F-14 'Tomcat' & F-4 'Phantom-II' during "Dogfight" Exercise source: facebook
above: A #HuAF #MH.59th #LHKE #MiG-29B "#Fulcrum" #escorting to exercise to #F-14 from #VF-103 '#Jolly#Rogers' #board #squadron at #Kecskemét #AFB
above: HiRes! F-14B VF-103 'Jolly Rogers' squadron
Hu. text: Figyelem!
Várhatóan május elején új modell érkezik, a VF-103 Jolly Rogers
repülőszázad 101-es oldalszámú F-14B-je. 1/72-es méretarány, normál
változat, azaz a szárnynyilazás állítható.
above: HiRes! (Crop & very Reduced!) Vectorized 3D sideview profile artwork: Grumman F-14 A, VF 111 "Sundowners" (CVW 15 USS Carl Vinson) source: wikipedia
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's repro dia-slides collection copy 1978-80 below: Pinterest
below: MedRes! Intercept action with two Soviet VVSz Electronic Recce Tupolev Tu-16
above: MedRes! An upgraded F-14D(R) Tomcat with the ROVER transmit antenna circled with USS Theodore Roosevelt in the background: An F-14 Tomcat of VF-213 deployed with the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt flies with a new data transfer system installed to its underside. (U.S. Navy photo) (Modified to add circle around the small blue transmit antenna) source: wikipedia
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's mix below: NoHigher! 'Tomcats' Intercepting the one Tu-95 'Bear'
above: MedRes! AN/APX-9 electro-optics device below: HiRes! IR Seeker
above & below: HiRes! Rearview of the F-14 showing the area between the engine nacelles Tomcat was taken aboard the USS Independence (CV-62) in 1992. The fuselage consists of a large flat area called the "tunnel" between the engine nacelles.
above: HiRes! 3D photographic artwork: Tomcat during the dive source: OFORMI.net
above: MedRes! F-14A Italeri Decal set
above: MedRes! F-14D during launch 1/48 scale Model by ✭✭ TAMIYA
above: MedRes! TAMIYA's 1:48 F-14A camo variants: Two kinds of USN & one Iranian AF
Independent UL 'Pipistrel' Hungarian independent test-Pilot Mr. Krenács Péter' ✮✮ Tamiya 'Tomcat' kit processing continious photo-reportage; HiRes! above & below: MedRes! parts with Czech-made 'Eduard' brass cockpit accessories. Made for maquette competition.
above: NoHigher! Opening pics of Krenács' facebook site "Jolly Rogers" F-14A

above & below: HiRes! The cockpit processing
above Three! HiRes! (Cropped!) below: MedRes! ready the Ejection seat
above & below four: HiRes! Krenács' photos about 'Tamiya's parts of F-14

above: HiRes! Base of Nose gear bay
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Nose gear bay below: HiRes! (Edited!) Parts on nose gear
above: HiRes! (Crop!) Missiles: Sidewinders, Sparrows and Phoenixes

above Two: HiRes! Left: Tail-Hook & retracable Air Refueling Probe - Far-Fékhorog és behúzható Légiutántöltő cső Right: Auxiliary fuel tanks - Pót üzemanyag/hajtóanyag tartályok
HiRes! above: Working surface below: Painted base of a Twin tailwings
above: MedRes! Double tails with markings of F-14A of VF-84 "Jolly Rogers", in a 1970s color scheme from USS CVN-65 'Enterprise'. (Disestablished 1 October 1995; squadron heritage and nickname transferred to VF-103) source: Krenács Péter

above: MedRes! Nature wing and Right with Nose-gear coloumn/rod below Two: NoHigher! Wings
above: HiRes! Decaled left wing - Felmatricázott bal-szárny
above: HiRes! Stabilizer below: NoHigher! Engine EXHAUST-GAS nacelle

below: MedRes! Grumman F-14A Tomcat by: scalemates below: Cats by: A. Bogdanov
below: Completed TAMIYA's F-14A 'Tomcat' ready for modeller competition!
above: MedRes! "Meow!!!" The bautiful TAMIYA's F-14A full equipped with arsenal.
above: NoHigher! below Two: HiRes! Photos correction by: Juci'bácsi: F-14A photos by & source: Mr. Krenács Péter'Sas - Eagle
above Three: HiRes! below: MedRes! "AIM-54 'Phoenix' shop at 'Tomcat'"
above & below: MedRes! "Belly Shop - Hasbót"

MedRes! above: Two: Full & part below Two: Rear & Cockpit view
above: NoHigher! Full detail Cockpit below: MedRes! Ready for launch
below: a Little bit Repeat of Technology. Reminder! - A tehnó folyamat egy kicsi ismétlése. Emlékeztető
above: The TAMIYA's scale 1/48 F-14A model detail set be Extremely Careful source: toylandhobbymodelingmagazine below: MedRes! Assemly sheets of TAMIYA 1/48 F-14/A

above & below Three: NoHigher! Base paint of airframe upper: HiRes! Black
F-14 update: kellett a hűtés a kompresszornak, mire az előárnyékolást megcsináltam😉🤣 viccet félre téve, az alapozás megvan, lassan jöhet a következő részlet... Próbaként szárazpróbáztam a szárnyakat, amik már festve vannak, ezzel a technikával. Közeleg a végjáték - the compressor needed cooling, by the time i did the pre-shading, putting aside the joke, the foundation is there, the next detail may come slowly ... As a test, I dry-tested the wings, which are already painted, with this technique. The end game is coming.
株式会社タミヤ(TAMIYA INC. )は、静岡県静岡市に本社を置く模型・プラモデルメーカー。世界有数[1]の総合模型メーカーである。旧社名は「株式会社田宮模型」[2]。
艦艇、飛行機、AFV、車などのプラモデル、ラジコンカー・ミニ四駆・ダンガンレーサーといった可動模型、「楽しい工作シリーズ」といった工作用パーツ類・キット[3][注 1]、プラバンなどの素材、塗料・エアブラシ・コンプレッサーなどの塗装道具と模型に関連する広範囲の商品を扱っている。
「初心者にも分かりやすく作りやすい」をコンセプトに企画から金型製作[4][5]、ボックスアートまで自社一貫体制で対応しており、日本国内では随一の開発力を持つ。... https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%BF%E3%83%9F%E3%83%A4

above Two & below: HiRes! Side view - Oldalnézet & Upper view - Felülnézet
above: NoHigher! F-14D below Two: MedRes! TAMIYA's & Krenács' high details
above: NoHigher! 2020. june 17. Ready for Departure by: Mr. UL test-pilot Krenács Péter
For decades, the Grumman F-14 Tomcat has been a favorite among scale modelers, aviation enthusiasts, and aviators. Over the years, there have been – by my count – no less than 385 different issues of F-14 kits from 1:144 to 1:32 scale. The quality and accuracy of these kits varied, from early Airfix and Matchbox products to classic kits by Testors, Monogram, and Revell. Generally, the best F-14 in 1:48 scale is often thought to be the Hasegawa family of Tomcats that first hit the market in 1988. While they’re very good, the Hasegawa F-14s are also infamous for various construction glitches and ill-fitting parts. Hobby Boss launched a more modern tooled and designed F-14 family in 2010. Despite their promise, Hobby Boss Tomcats were plagued by rather misshapen intakes and notably inaccurate surface details. In 2016, Tamiya finally stepped into the ring with a new-tool F-14 in 1:48 scale, looking to be a contender for the title of “Best 1:48 scale Tomcat.” In this review, we’ll take a very careful look at this hotly anticipated kit.
below: To be Continue the reality 'Tomcat'!
above: HiRes! F-14D N-7359L close to 1M
above: MedRes! US Marines soldier
hanging on Alpin rope over the CVN's Tomcats out of SH-60 "SeaHawk"
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's scan from, Mr. Miller József's legacy; FUJIMI scale 1/48. 1991.

above: NoHigher! An-2CVN carrier onboard variant with arrested hook
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's scan from, Mr. Miller József's legacy; FUJIMI scale 1/48. 1991.
Fujimi Mokei Co., Ltd. (フジミ模型株式会社, Fujimi Mokei Kabushiki Gaisha) is a Japanese model manufacturer based in Shizuoka Prefecture. It produces plastic model kits of a variety of vehicles, including model aircraft, model cars, model ships and model armored vehicles along with historical structures and science fiction kits. Since "mokei" means "model" in Japanese, "Fujimi Mokei" is often called "Fujimi Model(s)" in English. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujimi_Mokei

above: NoHigher! An-2CVN carrier onboard variant with arrested hook
Link: Royal Maces Strike Fighter Squadron 27 (VFA-27) F/A-18E "Super Hornet" USS CVN "George Washington" //indavideo.hu/video/Latvanyos_felvetelek_F_A-18-as_vadaszrepulokrol
source: http://index.hu/tech/2015/03/10/soha_nem_latott_felvetelek_egy_repulogepszazadrol/
NoHigher! above: stern storage facebook
below: MedRes! 34
source: http://index.hu/tech/2015/03/10/soha_nem_latott_felvetelek_egy_repulogepszazadrol/
above: NoHigher! CVN - Carrier Vessel Nuclear powered upper deck: Grumman A-6 'Intruder, EA-6B 'Prowler', F-14 'Tomcat' photo: Hu. Aviator Mr. Angyal László/facebook
above: HiRes! (Lightened!) An air traffic controller works approach control in Carrier Air Traffic Control Center aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. source: Wiki
NoHigher! Flight Deck Master /Boardmaster's tableNoHigher! above: stern storage facebook
above: Diched F-14 pull up from sea
Hu. text: Elnök pilóták, pilóta elnökök: stonefort2 2018. augusztus 29., szerda 08:47 |
Az Egyesült Államok egymást követő legfőbb közjogi méltóságai, az elnökök között az utóbbi évtizedekben több olyan is akadt, akik mögött nem csak komoly politikai, hanem repülő múlt is volt. Természetesen nem ezen múlik, hogy valaki politikusként milyen eredményes vagy éppen eredménytelen munkát végez, de a katonai szolgálat, különösen háborús körülmények között olyan tapasztalatokkal gazdagítja az emberek személyiségét, aminek legfőbb vezetőként is hasznát veheti.
A cikkem aktualitását az adja, hogy a napokban elhunyt és hajdan az elnökjelöltségig jutó John McCain republikánus szenátornak, minden eddigi elnöknél jelentősebb repülős múltja volt. ...
above: MedRes! North American T-2 "#Buckeye"-"Ökörszem": righthand: senator #John#McCain #R.I.P.
En. text: John Sidney McCain III (August 29, 1936 – August 25, 2018.) was an American politician and military officer, who served as a United States senator for Arizona from January 1987 until his death in 2018. He previously served two terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the Republican nominee for president of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain
Hu. text: John Sidney McCain III (Coco Solo, Panama-csatorna-övezet, 1936. augusztus 29. – Cornville (Arizona), 2018. augusztus 25.) amerikai politikus, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Szenátusában Arizona szenátora, a 2008-as amerikai elnökválasztás republikánus elnökjelöltje. ...
above: NoHigher! Grumman A-6 'Intruder' strike, F-14, E-2C on CVN board

above: NoHigher! Lateral cross section of CVN

above: NoHigher! Lateral cross section of CVN
above: HiRes! Cutaway U.S. NAVY USS #CVN-75 (Carrier Vessel Nuclear - Nukleáris meghajtású repülőgép-Hordozó Hajó) "Harry S.#Truman"
above: HiRes! USS CVB/CVA/CV-41 "Midway" Aircraft Carrier Museum - in Ca. San Diego. source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
USS Midway (CVB/CVA/CV-41) was an aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, the lead ship of her class. Commissioned a week after the end of World War II, Midway was the largest ship in the world until 1955, as well as the first U.S. aircraft carrier too big to transitthe Panama Canal. A revolutionary hull design, based on the planned Montana-classbattleship, gave her enhanced protection compared to previous carriers.[verification needed] She operated for 47 years, during which time she saw action in the Vietnam War and served as the Persian Gulf flagship in 1991's Operation Desert Storm. Decommissioned in 1992, she is now a museum ship at the USS Midway Museum, in San Diego, California, and the only remaining U.S. aircraft carrier commissioned right after World War II ended that was not an Essex-class aircraft carrier. ...
Ezt inkább ne tankold (Speedzone vamos Amerika S07E07)

above: Left: MedRes! F-14D on USS CVN-74 "John
C. Stennis" board catapult below: Left: CVN-75 Harry S. Truman c CVN-76 Ronald Reagan. below: NoHi! Christmas on USS Nimitz
above: NoHigher! Close-up view of the distinctive afterburner petals of the GE F110 engine
above: NoHigher! USS "John C. Stennis" (CVN-74) is the seventh 'Nimitz'-class nuclear-powered supercarrierin the United States Navy, named for Senator 'John C. Stennis' of Mississippi. She was commissioned on 9 December 1995. Her home port is Bremerton, Washington. ... Wikipedia source: Pinterest.com
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) is the fifth Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in the United States Navy. She is the second Navy ship to have been named after the former President Abraham Lincoln. Her home port is NAS North Island, and she is a member of the United States Pacific Fleet. She is administratively responsible to Commander, Naval Air Forces Pacific, and operationally served as the flagship of Carrier Strike Group Nine and host to Carrier Air Wing Two until 2012. She was returned to the fleet on 12 May 2017, marking the successful completion of her refueling and complex overhaul carried out at Newport News Shipyard. On 5 May 2019 USS Abraham Lincoln was deployed to the Middle East as the flagship for Carrier Strike Group 12 and Carrier Air Wing Seven assigned to her. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Abraham_Lincoln_(CVN-72)

above: NoHigher! Daylight carrier landing pattern diagram: Schema of the FA-18 "Hornet" landing procedure to CV source: us_navy_day_case_1_landing_pattern_Sofref
above: MedRes! Color side view profiles below: NoHigher! The 6/20mm 'Vulcan'-bay
above: MedRes! Details drawings about undercarriage
above: NoHigher! F-14D M61 six barrels 20 mm "Gatling" system machine gun
NoHigher! above: F-14 opened accesories source: blueprints.com below 2: comprehensive
above & below: New AirCore Modular acf system by: Home of M.A.T.S. source: pinterest.com
Juci'bácsi's scan collect Three MedRes! Hu.text: Haditechnikai Szemle; Beőthy Mihály mk. szds. med 1970s

George Graham (7 July 1673 – 20 November 1751) was an English clockmaker, inventor, and geophysicist, and a Fellow of the Royal Society.
He was born in Kirklinton, Cumberland. A Friend (Quaker) like his mentor Thomas Tompion, Graham left Cumberland in 1688 for London to work with Tompion. He later married Tompion's niece, Elizabeth Tompion. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Graham_(clockmaker)
The distinctive start and stop lever on the left of the case is the renowned GRAHAM Chronofighter signature which enables to activate the chronograph functions. The system recalls early stopwatches used by World War 2 flying officers which were just large pocket watches strapped over bomber jackets. Instinctive and precise, it is a fail-safe system which does not distract the wearer because the lever on the left of the case is effortlessly reached with the right hand. The thumb, the fastest of all fingers, starts and stops the chronograph. The result is precise timing.
above: NoHigher! "Top Gun" Naval Fighter Pilot scene below: MedRes! after with "Iceman" Val Kilmer
En. text: Val Edward Kilmer (born December 31, 1959. -age 60- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American actor, musician and artist. Originally a stage actor, Kilmer became popular in the mid-1980s after a string of appearances in comedy films, starting with Top Secret! (1984) and Real Genius (1985), as well as the military action film Top Gun (1986), the fantasy film Willow (1988), and the western Tombstone (1993).Some of his other notable film roles include Jim Morrison in The Doors (1991), an apparition of Elvis Presley in True Romance (1993), Chris Shiherlis in Heat (1995), Bruce Wayne / Batman in Batman Forever (1995), Simon Templar in The Saint (1997), Moses in The Prince of Egypt (1998), "Gay Perry" in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) and Dieter Von Cunth in MacGruber (2010). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Val_Kilmer
Hu. text: Val Edward Kilmer (Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 1959. december 31. –) amerikai színész.
Élete: Apai ági ősei között írek, skótok, németek is akadnak, anyai ágról viszont svéd származású. Már egész fiatalon feltűnt színészi, énekesi és írói tehetsége. 1976-ban a Juilliard School színészképző-program legfiatalabb diákja volt. 1984-ben szerepelt először filmben, a Top Secret című paródiában. 1986-ban feltűnt Tom Cruise mellett a Top Gun című filmben. Első jelentős szerepét a Willow című fantasyban kapta 1988-ban. A kritikusok és a nézők Oliver Stone 1991-es The Doors című filmjében figyeltek fel rá. Egy évvel később következett a Viharszív című film. A későbbiekben olyan filmekben szerepelt mint a Tiszta románc (1993), a Tombstone - Halott város (1993), vagy a Mindörökké Batman (1995). 1996-ban Marlon Brando mellett feltűnt a Dr. Moreau szigete című fantasy-horrorban. 1997-ben Az Angyal mozifilmváltozatában Simon Templart, az „Angyalt” alakította. 2000-ben még eljátszotta A vörös bolygó című sci-fi főszerepét, de a film csúfosan megbukott a pénztáraknál, ezután kevésbé fontos filmekben kapott szerepet, a legtöbbjük csak DVD-n megjelent, olcsóbb költségvetésű film volt. ...
above: NoHigher! Movie: "#Top*Gun" starring #Tom#Cruise ="Tomcatcruise"
En. text: Thomas Cruise (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV; July 3, 1962. -age 57- Syracuse, New York, U.S.) is an American actor and producer. He has received several accolades for his work, including three Golden Globe Awards and three nominations for Academy Awards. With a net worth of $570 million as of 2020, he is one of the highest-paid actors in the world. In addition, his films have grossed over $4 billion in North America and over $10.1 billion worldwide, making him one of the highest-grossing box office stars of all time. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Cruise
Hu. text: Tom Cruise (teljes nevén Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (Syracuse, New York, 1962. július 3. –) többszörös Golden Globe-díjas színész és filmproducer. A legsikeresebb hollywoodi filmsztárok között tartják számon, és ő az egyetlen színész, akinek az életrajzában hét egymást követő 100 millió dollárt meghaladó bevételű film található.
Első fontosabb szerepe az 1983-as Kockázatos üzlet (Risky Business) című filmben volt. Ettől kezdve sok A-kategóriás film főszereplőjeként vált Hollywood-szerte ismertté. A média által nyilvánosság elé tárt magánéletének, a szcientológia egyházat támogató tevékenységének, valamint a pszichiátriát illető kritikái miatt az utóbbi időben [mikor?] inkább negatív hírekben tűnik fel, mégis világszerte jól ismert filmcsillag maradt. Diszlexiája, mint annyi hírességet, nem akadályozza karrierjében. ...
above: NoHigher! F-14 in Top Gun with Tom Cruise as "Maverick"
Top Gun movie mix: Tom Cruise -'Maverick' starring, Kelly McGills -Charlie-, Val Kilmer -'Iceman', Tom Skerrit -'Viper', ...and portrait cartoon

NoHigher! above: starring Tom Cruise as "Maverick" below: USN Pilot badge
En. text: Top Gun is a 1986 American romantic military action drama film directed by Tony Scott, and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, in association with Paramount Pictures. The screenplay was written by Jim Cash and Jack Epps, Jr., and was inspired by an article titled "Top Guns" published in California magazine three years earlier. The film stars Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, and Tom Skerritt. Cruise plays Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a young Naval aviator aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. He and his Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Edwards) are given the chance to train at the Navy's Fighter Weapons School at the former Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar in San Diego.Top Gun was released on May 16, 1986. Upon its release, the film received generally mixed reviews from film critics but many particularly praised the action sequences, the effects, the aerial stunts, and the acting performances with Cruise and McGillis receiving the most praise. Four weeks after release, the number of theaters showing it increased by 45%. Despite its initial mixed critical reaction, the film was a huge commercial hit grossing $356 million against a production budget of only $15 million. The film maintained its popularity over the years and earned an IMAX 3D re-release in 2013. Additionally, the film won an Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Take My Breath Away" performed by Berlin.
In 2015, the United States Library of Congress selected the film for preservation in the National Film Registry, finding it "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". A sequel, titled Top Gun: Maverick, is currently in development. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Gun
Hu. text: A Top Gun egy 1986-ban készült amerikai akciófilm, amelyet Tony Scott rendezett. A forgatókönyvet Ehud Yonay a kaliforniai Magazinban megjelent 'Top Gun' című cikke ihlette. A film a nyolcvanas évek egyik meghatározó filmje, filmzenéje a Berlin - Take My Breath Away. A filmből videójáték is készült. ...
above & below Two: HiRes! The #ceremony of the #USN "#Golden#Pilot#Wing" #badge #award for Tom#Cruise before '#Paramount' #Film-Studio in #Los-Angeles, #Beverly-Hills LA.
Photo - Fotó: Alex J. Berliner / US Navy/index.hu
Hu. text article: Tiszteletbeli haditengerészeti pilótává avatták Tom Cruise-t:
szerző - author: Mr. Somkuti Bálint 2020.10.23. 13:00
Tom Cruise hivatalos ceremónia keretében kapta meg a haditengerészeti pilóták úgynevezett aranyszárnyait. Vele együtt az elkészült, de a koronavírus-járvány miatt még be nem mutatott Top Gun: Maverick című folytatás producere, Jeremy Bruckheimer is kiérdemelte az elismerést – írta meg az amerikai haditengerészet honlapja.
A színész és a filmes a 35. és 36. személy, akik az elmúlt 90 évben a tiszteletbeli haditengerészeti pilóta kitüntető címét megkapták. A Los Angeles-i Paramount stúdióban megtartott rövid ünnepséget a film zárt körű bemutatója előtt tartották.
A felvarrókat a haditengerészeti légierő parancsnoka, DeWolfe Miller altengernagy személyesen adta át. Az aranyszárnyak viselőiként a kitüntetettek hivatalosan is jogosultak a haditengerészeti pilóták számára járó privilégiumokra és juttatásokra. QP | Quality Placement
En. text: Tom Cruise and Jerry Bruckheimer Named ‘Honorary Naval Aviators’
14 October 2020
Film producer Jerry Bruckheimer and actor Tom Cruise became the U.S. Navy’s 35th and 36th Honorary Naval Aviators, respectively, during a brief Sept. 24 ceremony at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles. SAN DIEGO –Film producer Jerry Bruckheimer and actor Tom Cruise became the U.S. Navy’s 35th and 36th Honorary Naval Aviators, respectively, during a brief ceremony held at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles Sept. 24. ... https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/Press-Releases/display-pressreleases/Article/2381871/tom-cruise-and-jerry-bruckheimer-named-honorary-naval-aviators/
above: HiRes! Hungarian graphich artists: Mr. Boros & Szikszai: "Maverick" mid 1980's
above: HiRes! Cutaway source: zona-militar.com
above: NoHigher! F-14 is waitings for departure/launch on museal CV
above: (Crop!) F-14 with landing gear deployed: An F-14A Tomcat aircraft from Fighter Squadron 101 (VF-101) gains altitude after takeoff, its landing gear still down. VF-101 provides F-14 readiness training for Atlantic fleet units. Location: NAVAL AIR STATION, OCEANA, VIRGINIA (VA) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) source: Wikipedia.org
above: MedRes! Cutaway by: FLIGHT International below: Two large Cutaway

below; F-14 Tomcat Cutaway

HiRes! above: F-14D below: Sweeping Wing positions - Állítható Szárnynyilazás
above: MedRes! Japanese 4D Vision Vehicle Cutaway Model source: Hobby Search

above & below: NoHigher! F-14 reference HOME OF MATS The most comprehensive
above & below: HiRes! Cyrillic text: Cross sections of F-14A airframe source: Pinterest
above & below: HiRes! High detail drawings & cross sections source: blueprintbox.com
above: NoHigher! Shematics 5 view source: wikipedia
above: NoHigher! F-14 Tomcat with wings showing asymmetric sweep. Manufacturer: Grumman Designation: F-14 Official Nickname: "Tomcat"-"Kandur"
above: NoHigher! The USA Aircraft Ordnance
above: HiRes! Weapons pod
NoHigher! Italiano text: AIM-54 "Phoenix" above: cutaway below Two: parts!
above: HiRes! Beautyful belly: F-14B from the VF-211 Fighting Checkmates carrying six AIM-54 Phoenix missiles. source: Wikipedia
Full load of six AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles on an F-14A in flight. 1 January 1989. Cropped from official US Navy Photo DNSC9011927: "A Fighter Squadron 211 (VF-211) F-14A Tomcat aircraft banks into a turn during a flight out of Naval Air Station, Miramar, Calif. The aircraft is carrying six AIM-54 Phoenix missiles."
Hu. text: A főnix (görög: Φοῖνιξ) mitikus tűzmadár, mely eredetileg az egyiptomi mitológia egyik teremtménye volt.
Legendái szerint a főnix 500, 1461 vagy 15 294 évig élt (attól függően, milyen eredetű forrásban olvasunk róla). Legismertebb leírása szerint a főnix gyönyörű vörös-arany tollazatú hím madár, mely élete végén fahéj-ágacskákból fészket épít, meggyújtja, és vele együtt porrá ég. A hamvakból ezután egy új, fiatal főnix születik, amely bebalzsamozza az öreg főnix maradványait egy mirhából készült tojásba, és eltemeti Héliopoliszban, a „nap városában”. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C5%91nix
above: NoHigher! #Raytheon #AIM-9X '#Sidewinder' Block-I AA #missiles
above: HiRes! graphic artwork about "Sparrow" launching
above: MedRes! AIM-7 "Sparrow" source: www.mycity-military.com
above: NoHigher! Sparrows & Sidewinders source: facebook
above: NoHigher! F-14's "Bandit" color scheme by: Grim Reapers
above: NoHigher! Famous black U.S. #Navy-Playboy Bunny-Grumman F-14 Tomcat, Vandy-1 of the VX-09-Vampires-squadron, one of the Navy's Naval Air Systems Command Test and Evaluation Squadrons.
above: HiRes! F-14 on optimal glide path during land, behind USN CG-47 'Ticonderoga' class Guided Missiles Cruiser for AEGIS Air-Defence System. An F-14D Tomcat prepares for an arrested landing aboard the aircraft carrier USS CVN-71 "Theodore Roosevelt" as the guided-missile cruiser CG-47 'Ticonderoga' class USS CG-56 "San Jacinto" conducts plane guard duties, in the Persian Gulf, Jan. 6, 2006. "Roosevelt" and embarked Carrier Air Wing 8 were underway on a regularly scheduled deployment conducting maritime security operations. U.S. Navy photo by Airman Apprentice Nathan Laird.
USS Ticonderoga (DDG/CG-47) is a decommissioned guided-missile cruiser of the United States Navy. Homeported in Pascagoula, Mississippi, the "Tico" is the lead ship of her class.
Ticonderoga was the first combatant ship to feature the Aegis combat system (a limited version of the system had been tested on Norton Sound). This allows the ship to track and engage multiple targets (aircraft) much more effectively than any ship previously. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Ticonderoga_(CG-47)
above: HiRes! LSOs hold the "pickle", which controls lights on the OLS. The controller is held above the head until the landing area is clear and the arresting gear is set. US Navy Landing Signal Officers (LSOs) talk_to the pilots during their final approach on the flight deck aboard USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! The 'Fresnel'-sortie Lens Optical Landing System of French Navy 'Charles de Gaulle'
above: MedRes! 'Tomcat' tail: photo by: Hu. AVIATOR Mr. Leslie Angel - Angyal László photography source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! In '#Udvar-Hazy' center in Washington D.C. photo by: Hu. AVIATOR Mr. Leslie Angel - Angyal László photography source: facebook.com
above: HiRes! An F-14A from VF-114 intercepting a Soviet Tupolev Tu-95RT "Bear-D" maritime reconnaissance aircraft. source: Wikipedia
A U.S. Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat of Fighter Squadron VF-114 Aardvarks flying alongside a Soviet Tupolev Tu-95RT Bear D maritime patrol aircraft. VF-114 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing Eleven (CVW-11) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) for a deployment to the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean from 1 September 1982 to 28 April 1983. photo: U.S. Navy -
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